IVONA Reader can also read a pdf document to you as well. It has a nice voice – “Salli” and can export many documents to mp3 and other formats. This is my favorite text-to-speech application. The voice of “Dimitris” costs $45 and is worth the price. I like to listen to articles all of the time and sometimes I come across an article that is published in a Greek newspaper. I purchased a license to the TextAloud system because it supports many foreign languages including Greek. My Favorite Voice: British English Peter (by Acapela).I will list out a few of the applications which I have sampled and continue to use here: Then I use my knowledge of regular expressions, an advanced programming concept to remove all headers and footers, along with long urls to make my listening experience more efficient. Additionally, if I download a research paper, I open the PDF in Adobe Reader and use the “Save as Text” option. Of course, since I am very adept with my computer skills, I have also written several Python scripts that extract article text from newsletters. It is this that has allowed me to consume hundreds of articles all while doing my regular work. Well, not for me, I have Text-to-Speech software and I listen to health articles and research papers while I work. When a programmer is in the “zone” having their headphones on and listening to music often helps them do a better job. You see, as a computer programmer, I find it very easy and convenient to have my headphones on while I code. New voices are regularly added as they are released.Now you may be wondering, how do I know so much about health and nutrition? Where do I find all of the free time to do all of this reading and research if I have a day-job as a computer programmer? Well, the answer lays in Text-to-Speech software.

Nuance have the largest range of text-to-speech voices available. Nuance Vocalizer Voice packs version 2.6.2 The complete list of available languages and voices is detailed below: Download Voice Pack We have now integrated the high quality range of Ivona voices into our products. Voice packs version 2.2.0 or higher must be used for users with Windows 8 operating systems. They are only available to be purchased with the Readit / Lex / ReadEasy range of products and are not currently available separately. Please note: Voice packs are for private use only and are not licensed for use in a commercial sense, (e.g. All voice packs will run for 30 days and will work with any SAPI 5 application. Please choose the voice packs you wish to download from the tables below.